How do I make an account?

Signing up for a SYNKii account for online music tutors
Updated 2 years ago

Sign up using your email address

Signing up for a SYNKii account couldn't be easier. 

First, you'll need to launch a classroom here.

Hit the sign-up tab, then enter your first name, last name and email address.

These will appear on your student invitations, so make sure it looks professional!

Next, choose a secure password. Make sure to note it down so you don't forget. 

Check the boxes to sign up for our mailing list and agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy

Finally, hit the sign-up button, and your account is created!

Sign up using your Facebook account details

You can also sign up using your Facebook account details.

Just hit the Facebook logo and login using your Facebook account details to create your account. 

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