Connecting Your MIDI Device

A guide to connecting your device to your computer.
Updated 2 years ago

Connecting your MIDI keyboard, MIDI controller, or digital piano to your Computer

Connecting your device to your computer couldn't be easier. Here's our guide to getting your device working quickly.

Do I need a MIDI cable or a USB cable?

Firstly, check whether your device has a USB connection port.

Most MIDI keyboards made after the year 2000 have USB capability.

But some will only have a MIDI connection port. If this is the case, you will need to purchase a MIDI-to-USB cable

There are numerous options available on Amazon. We recommend using this cable.

Do I need to install a driver?

Most devices will also require you to download a driver for the device to work. 

If you purchased your device from a shop, it might have been included in the box you bought it in.

Or you can usually find your device's driver on the manufacturer's website.

A missing driver may prevent your keyboard from being recognised in the SYNKii classroom. So don't skip this important step!

Connection ports and cables 

Here you can find images of the connection ports and cables needed for your devices.

This should help you determine which cable you will need for your device.

  • USB Cable A to B

    usba 171C0v+fzvlL 1
  • MIDI 5 pin to USB Cable

    5pinsocket copy 15pin 1
  • Micro B to A USB

    micro 2micro b 1
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