How do I upgrade my account?

Upgrading to a SYNKii monthly subscription for online music tutors.
Updated 2 years ago

Get ready to upgrade 💪

So you're ready to commit to a SYNKii monthly subscription! 🙌

Just follow the steps below to upgrade. 👇

Upgrading after your free trial has ended

If your 14-day free trial has finished, you will see a notification window in your classroom.

Make sure you are logged in with the correct email address.

Just hit the "Upgrade Plan" button and enter your payment details. 

Upgrading during your free trial

You can also upgrade your plan during your free trial from your profile area.

Hit the "My Profile" icon in the top right of the page. The icon looks like this:

Click the "Upgrade Plan" button at the top of the page and enter your payment details.

That's it! You're now signed up for a SYNKii monthly subscription!

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